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KUE Counselor's Corner

KUE Counselor's Corner

The Kosciusko Upper Elementary Counseling Department will prepare students for higher learning and the world of work through the programs, services, and offering of an inclusive, efficient, safe, and nurturing education system. 

Our counselor will:

  • Ensure all students master the essential curriculum and beyond.
  • Close the achievement gap among the student populations.
  • Develop competence in 21st century skills.

Our Mission:

The mission of Koscuisko Upper Elementary School’s counseling program is to maximize every student’s academic, personal, and social development in order to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners. 

Our Vision:

The vision of Koscuisko Upper Elementary School’s counseling program is guided by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) and our commitment to provide a safe, nurturing environment where the entire learning community addresses and collaborates to meet the needs of our students. 

Our Beliefs:

I believe:

  • all students are unique
  • all students should feel safe in a nurturing environment to learn
  • all students should have access to a quality education 
  • all students have the right to be heard and treated with respect