Parent/Teacher/Student Compact
KUE Parent/Teacher/Student Compact
The Staff of Upper Elementary accepts the responsibility to:
- provide a quality instructional program in an integrated setting for each student
- provide an orderly classroom and safe school environment
- develop programs and activities which will respond to the social, emotional, personal, and physical development needs of each student
- assist parents in helping their child(ren) develop self-discipline, self-respect, and self-confidence to participate in school as a responsible member
As the Parent of an Upper Elementary Student, it is my responsibility to:
- send my child to school each day on time, prepared with all necessary material, well rested, and properly dressed
- check my child’s work and homework on a regular basis
- provide my child with suitable study conditions at home: desk or table, lights, books, and supplies
- communicate with my child’s teacher(s) when I am concerned about my child’s work or health
As a Student at Upper Elementary, it is my responsibility to:
- attend regularly
- work diligently
- bring necessary materials to class
- behave in accordance with school and classroom rules